SHA1 Algorithm

The Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1) is a cryptographic hash function designed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1995. It is widely used for various security-related applications, such as digital signatures, message integrity checks, and password hashing. SHA1 processes an input message of any length up to 2^64 bits and generates a 160-bit fixed-size output, referred to as the message digest or hash value. The algorithm's primary goal is to ensure data integrity by producing a unique hash for each unique input, making it computationally infeasible to produce the same hash value from two different input messages or to recreate the original message from its hash value. SHA1 operates on data in 512-bit blocks and uses a series of mathematical operations, including bitwise operations, modular arithmetic, and logical functions. The algorithm consists of five main steps: pre-processing, setting initial hash values, processing message blocks, updating hash values, and generating the final hash output. During pre-processing, the input message is padded and extended to ensure its length is a multiple of 512 bits. Initial hash values are set according to predefined constants. Then, each 512-bit message block is processed sequentially, undergoing a series of operations such as bitwise rotation, bitwise XOR, and bitwise AND. After processing all message blocks, the final hash values are computed by updating the initial hash values, and the 160-bit output is generated. Due to its widespread use, researchers have extensively analyzed SHA1's security, and over time, several vulnerabilities have been discovered, leading to the development of more secure alternatives such as SHA-256 and SHA-3.
//= ===============================================================
// SHA1.js
// Module that replicates the SHA-1 Cryptographic Hash
// function in Javascript.
//= ===============================================================

// main variables
const CHAR_SIZE = 8

 * Adds padding to binary/hex string represention
 * @param {string} str - string represention (binary/hex)
 * @param {int} bits - total number of bits wanted
 * @return {string} - string represention padding with empty (0) bits
 * @example
 *      pad("10011", 8); // "00010011"
function pad (str, bits) {
  let res = str
  while (res.length % bits !== 0) {
    res = '0' + res
  return res

 * Separates string into chunks of the same size
 * @param {string} str - string to separate into chunks
 * @param {int} size - number of characters wanted in each chunk
 * @return {array} - array of original string split into chunks
 * @example
 *      chunkify("this is a test", 2); // ["th", "is", " i", "s ", "a ", "te", "st"]
function chunkify (str, size) {
  const chunks = []
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += size) {
    chunks.push(str.slice(i, i + size))
  return chunks

 * Rotates string representation of bits to the left
 * @param {string} bits - string representation of bits
 * @param {int} turns - number of rotations to make
 * @return {string} - string representation of bits after rotation
 * @example
 *      rotateLeft("1011", 3); // "1101"
function rotateLeft (bits, turns) {
  return bits.substr(turns) + bits.substr(0, turns)

 * Pre-processes message to feed the algorithm loop
 * @param {string} message - message to pre-process
 * @return {string} - processed message
function preProcess (message) {
  // convert message to binary representation padded to
  // 8 bits, and add 1
  let m = message.split('')
    .map(e => e.charCodeAt(0))
    .map(e => e.toString(2))
    .map(e => pad(e, 8))
    .join('') + '1'

  // extend message by adding empty bits (0)
  while (m.length % 512 !== 448) {
    m += '0'

  // length of message in binary, padded, and extended
  // to a 64 bit representation
  let ml = (message.length * CHAR_SIZE).toString(2)
  ml = pad(ml, 8)
  ml = '0'.repeat(64 - ml.length) + ml

  return m + ml

 * Hashes message using SHA-1 Cryptographic Hash Function
 * @param {string} message - message to hash
 * @return {string} - message digest (hash value)
function SHA1 (message) {
  // main variables
  let H0 = 0x67452301
  let H1 = 0xEFCDAB89
  let H2 = 0x98BADCFE
  let H3 = 0x10325476
  let H4 = 0xC3D2E1F0

  // pre-process message and split into 512 bit chunks
  const bits = preProcess(message)
  const chunks = chunkify(bits, 512)

  chunks.forEach(function (chunk, i) {
    // break each chunk into 16 32-bit words
    const words = chunkify(chunk, 32)

    // extend 16 32-bit words to 80 32-bit words
    for (let i = 16; i < 80; i++) {
      const val = [words[i - 3], words[i - 8], words[i - 14], words[i - 16]]
        .map(e => parseInt(e, 2))
        .reduce((acc, curr) => curr ^ acc, 0)
      const bin = (val >>> 0).toString(2)
      const paddedBin = pad(bin, 32)
      const word = rotateLeft(paddedBin, 1)

    // initialize variables for this chunk
    let [a, b, c, d, e] = [H0, H1, H2, H3, H4]

    for (let i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
      let f, k
      if (i < 20) {
        f = (b & c) | (~b & d)
        k = 0x5A827999
      } else if (i < 40) {
        f = b ^ c ^ d
        k = 0x6ED9EBA1
      } else if (i < 60) {
        f = (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)
        k = 0x8F1BBCDC
      } else {
        f = b ^ c ^ d
        k = 0xCA62C1D6
      // make sure f is unsigned
      f >>>= 0

      const aRot = rotateLeft(pad(a.toString(2), 32), 5)
      const aInt = parseInt(aRot, 2) >>> 0
      const wordInt = parseInt(words[i], 2) >>> 0
      const t = aInt + f + e + k + wordInt
      e = d >>> 0
      d = c >>> 0
      const bRot = rotateLeft(pad(b.toString(2), 32), 30)
      c = parseInt(bRot, 2) >>> 0
      b = a >>> 0
      a = t >>> 0

    // add values for this chunk to main hash variables (unsigned)
    H0 = (H0 + a) >>> 0
    H1 = (H1 + b) >>> 0
    H2 = (H2 + c) >>> 0
    H3 = (H3 + d) >>> 0
    H4 = (H4 + e) >>> 0

  // combine hash values of main hash variables and return
  const HH = [H0, H1, H2, H3, H4]
    .map(e => e.toString(16))
    .map(e => pad(e, 8))

  return HH

console.log(SHA1('A Test'))
console.log(SHA1('A Test'))

// export SHA1 function
module.exports = SHA1